
We are all responsible for protecting the environment. Fund Energy is in compliance with all standards, laws and regulations in China, making effective use of sewage treatment facilities and implementing energy conservation and emissions reduction project, as we aim to minimize the environmental impact of our operations. We have invested heavily in state-of-the-art equipment that sets the standard in energy conservation. Furthermore, we place great importance on reducing gas emissions in the production process, and do our best to maximize the use of recycled water and to reuse waste.

In respect of sewage treatment, the projects under construction at Fund Energy Changzhou Chemical Development Co., Ltd will include sewage treatment facilities which will allow for proper treatment of sewage, wastewater and waste alkali liquid which are byproducts in the production process, and which will ensure that sewage meets the respective standards for reuse and discharge, thus minimizing the impacts to the environment.

In order to adhere to the principle of “Go Green”, the Company will strictly follow the environmental protection standards set by the government and the industry, and will work aggressively to eliminate all sources of contamination so that we can push our environmental protection work to the next level and to ensure the safety of our environment in every way we can.

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