Technical Exchanges with Beijing Lurgi Engineering Consulting Company

On August 22, 2013, Mr. Tian Yunsheng, Vice President of Fund Energy, led to hold technical exchanges with Madam Liu Fang, Vice President of Air Liquid Global Engineering Technology and General Manager of Beijing Lurgi Engineering Consulting Company. The two sides carried out in-depth communication and exchanges on coal chemical technology and confirmed issues relating to technical cooperation.

Mr. Tian introduced the history of Sino Life Insurance Co., Ltd and Fund Energy, its project planning and latest developments. Madam Liu shared the relationship of her company and Air Liquid Group, Lurgi’s development history and updated on the company’s gasification and MTP technology. At the same time, Madam Zhang Wenzhen, Director of Sales Supporting Department highlighted on Lurgi’s lignite gasification to methanol technologies of Mark4, Mark+ covering history, features, improvements and optimization and project investment. The introduction has provided reliable technical source for Fund Energy’s lignite upgrading and utilization projects, as well as laid a solid foundation for the next step.

At last, both sides agreed unanimously to launch exchanges and cooperation in gasified coal to syngas and methanol. 

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